Have Your Say – Sports Precinct Master Plan & Concept Design

Have Your Say - Sports Precinct

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We’re excited to invite you to participate in our “Have Your Say” campaign for the new sports precinct concept design and master plan. Over the past 12 months, a dedicated working group, in collaboration with skilled architects, has meticulously crafted a visionary proposal aimed at enhancing our community’s sporting facilities.

Now, we need your valuable input to ensure this plan truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our diverse community. Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping a vibrant, inclusive, and state-of-the-art sports precinct that we can all be proud of.

Join us in shaping the future of recreation in our community— Your feedback matters! Join the conversation today and help us create a sports precinct that serves our community best.

Review the plans below and provide your comments here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FTTHGQR

Quairading Sports Precinct Master Plan and Concept Design

Quairading Sports Precinct – Additional Perspective Views


The Shire of Quairading is embarking on a three-stage redevelopment aimed at revitalizing our community’s Sport and Recreation Precinct. Recognizing the vital role that sports and recreational facilities play in fostering community cohesion, promoting health and wellbeing, and stimulating economic growth, our comprehensive strategy outlines a phased approach
to modernizing and enhancing our sports infrastructure to suit a growing community.

Stage 1: Construction of new netball and basketball courts. Design, construction and installation of new multi-sport electronic scoreboard.
Stage 2: Construction of sports and recreation pavilion, providing for the co-location of football, netball, hockey and tennis clubs.
Stage 3: Construction of new tennis courts.

The Project Team have a clear funding pathway including State and Federal grant streams.

If you would like to speak to someone about the project, please contact Special Projects Officer Chloe Nella on 9645 2400 or email chloe.nella@quairading.wa.gov.au.