Wild Animals

We’re lucky enough to share our town with a wide variety of native animals. Wildlife in the town’s parks and reserves is highly diverse and includes numerous birds, reptiles, frogs, marine life and marsupial species.

The Shire predominantly deals with issues relating to domestic animals. However, for more information and advice on issues relating to our native and marine wildlife, please visit the Wildcare website https://www.dbca.wa.gov.au/contact-us/wildcare-helpline


The Shire of Quairading does not currently offer a reptile removal service. We suggest contacting one of the following:


(08) 9474 9055



0488 278 606

To assist in deterring snakes from backyards, we recommend all households to keep grass areas around houses mowed and well maintained; also avoid piling up left over wood from winter or accumulating stick piles. Tin sheets or any household items like these that are piled up, can draw in heat providing a perfect man made habitat for snakes.

– Urgent medical aid. Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance.
– Ensure the casualty does not move.
– Lay the casualty down, rest and reassure.
– If the bite is on a limb, apply a broad pressure bandage over the bite site as soon as possible.
– Then apply a further elasticised or firm bandage – start at fingers or toes and move up the limb as far as can be reached. Apply tightly but without stopping blood flow.
– Splint the limb including the joints on either side of the bite.
– Write down the time that the casualty was bitten and when the bandage was applied.
– If the casualty becomes unconscious and not breathing normally, Commence CPR and Defibrillation.

– Wash the venom off the skin (it may aid in identification).
– Cut the bitten area and try to suck the venom out of the wound.
– Use a tourniquet.
– Try and catch the snake.


The Shire has a cat trap that can be hired out to residents for problem feral cats.

Bond (Payable in Advance)$20.00
Impounding Fee$105.00
Nutrition Fee (per Day)$15.00
Destruction & Disposal$110.00
Cat Trap Hire (2 Weeks Hire)$8.00
Ranger Service Labour Hire/Working Hours or Weekend O/Time Rates$87.00


Learning to live alongside wildlife is an important step towards building a better living environment.

Council would like to remind the community to take extra care when outdoors during magpie nesting season from August to November. Please be aware magpies may swoop to protect their young during this time.

Magpies usually swoop from above and fly low and fast over a person, often snapping their beaks as they pass overhead. However, instances where magpies swoop from below or ground level have also been reported.

Magpies are a protected native species in Australia and removing their nest is illegal and may cause nestlings to starve or freeze to death or result in the breakdown of the magpie tribe.

To report nuisance wildlife within the Shire of Quairading, please phone (08) 9645 2400.

The following tips will help you stay safe and reduce the impact of a swooping magpie

  • Look out for any caution signage placed in our parks and reserves, stay clear of nesting sites and plan alternative routes
  • Do not provoke magpies as they swoop to protect their young
  • Wear sunglasses, a wide brimmed hat (especially kids) or carry an umbrella
  • Travel in groups if possible as the birds often target individuals
  • If you are riding a bike, dismount and walk through nesting magpie territory
  • If you are swooped by a magpie, stay calm, walk away but do not run, and avoid looking towards the swooping birds.

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