Railway Station Museum

Railway Station Museum

The Quairading Tourist and Tidy Town Committee (QTTTC) manage the Railway Station Museum, located on the main Quairading-York Road between the War Memorial precinct and the Quairading Vintage Club sheds and yard.

Volunteers open the museum when available and several are only a phone call away if closed. Please feel free to call the following – they’d love to show you around.

Letty – 0429 454 235

Bec – 0427 951 827

Ivy – 0429 799 853

Phyllis – 0429 451 245

Community members are always welcome to attend and share ideas and thoughts at QTTTC monthly meetings at the Railway Station  (usually the last Monday of the month) and to join with regular rubbish walks to keep our beautiful town clean and tidy.

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